- 2 κούπες αλεύρι ολικής αλέσεως
- μισή κούπα αλεύρι σίκαλης
- μισή κούπα αλεύρι δυνατό για
- μιάμιση κούπα νερό χλιαρό
- μισό φακελάκι μάγια ξερή
- 1 κ .γλ. αλάτι
- 2 κ. σ. λάδι
What better to accompany a bean soup in a snow with a whole grain bread !!!!!!!
I made it by changing the proportions to the excellent recipe of Maia Kameranova.
- 2 cups of wholemeal flour
- half a cup of rye flour
- half a cup of flour possible for fermenting materials
- one and a half cup of lukewarm water
- half a spell of dry spells
- 1 & lt; tb & gt; salt
- 2 kg of oil
I ferment the dough to the brewer. Let the dough rise for 1 hour in a furnace already warmed to 100 degrees. . I dab the dough again very little. I sprinkle with flour, I cut the patterns and put it on the mold. Bake in a strong oven for about 45 minutes.
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