A bouquet to decorate a corner of the house in a vase first need to cut the flowers be removed withered leaves, fill the appropriate jar with cool water and then to start the placement of flowers. If the mouth vase is open too helps to place the flowers in a sponge flowers because in it you can place to stipe whichever you want. Pick up three more flower and place them in a vase on the triangle configuration. Fill in with smaller flowers filling the gaps. & Even the simplest flowers can make amazing bouquets. Watch the style of vase to match as closely as possible with the flowers do not mix many colors, though do note the colors to match. Here I used yellow tagetese plant root and filled it with some small yellow chrysanthemums.
Θέλοντας να μεταδώσω τις χειροτεχνικές μου γνώσεις δημιούργησα αυτή την ιστοσελίδα με σκοπό να δημοσιεύω μια ανακοίνωση κάθε μέρα ώστε να γίνουν 365 όσες & οι μέρες του χρόνου. Wanting to spread the knowledge of my craft I created this site to put up a post every day to make 365 those are the days of the year
Κυριακή 9 Νοεμβρίου 2014
A bouquet to decorate a corner of the house in a vase first need to cut the flowers be removed withered leaves, fill the appropriate jar with cool water and then to start the placement of flowers. If the mouth vase is open too helps to place the flowers in a sponge flowers because in it you can place to stipe whichever you want. Pick up three more flower and place them in a vase on the triangle configuration. Fill in with smaller flowers filling the gaps. & Even the simplest flowers can make amazing bouquets. Watch the style of vase to match as closely as possible with the flowers do not mix many colors, though do note the colors to match. Here I used yellow tagetese plant root and filled it with some small yellow chrysanthemums.
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