A pot completely covered with decoupage made of napkin with pixel images gives the impression of old embroidery with cross stitch on thick canvas. a layer of polish with gold shavings gives it shine & the layers of kidney polish that follow give it strength. And of course in such a colorful pot planted only green plant.
Θέλοντας να μεταδώσω τις χειροτεχνικές μου γνώσεις δημιούργησα αυτή την ιστοσελίδα με σκοπό να δημοσιεύω μια ανακοίνωση κάθε μέρα ώστε να γίνουν 365 όσες & οι μέρες του χρόνου. Wanting to spread the knowledge of my craft I created this site to put up a post every day to make 365 those are the days of the year
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